Kris Kasten Interviewed by The Cooperator on Illinois Condo Building Maintenance Standards

Oct 4, 2021 | Firm News

The Cooperator, a national publication carrying stories related to community associations throughout the United States, recently interviewed attorneys specializing in community association law throughout the country. The goal was to help condo dwellers from California to New York understand what their region requires as far as maintenance inspections. Many boards are taking a careful look at their structural maintenance practices in light of the Surfside, Florida disaster. The Cooperator interviewed Altus Legal attorney Kris Kasten to discuss what the State of Illinois and City of Chicago require for high-rise condo buildings.

Of note for Illinois condo dwellers, Kris stated, “The Illinois Condominium Property Act does not contain any provision requiring regular or periodic inspections of a condominium building of any size. Generally, regulation of structural and aesthetic conditions of a building falls to individual municipalities and is accomplished through local building codes and other ordinances.” See the full story here.

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