
Update to Illinois Condominium Property Act: Residency Requirements for Board Members

2021 Legislative Update for Community Associations

After a quiet 2020, legislators returned to business in 2021. The new year brought several changes to the General Assembly. One significant change involved longtime Speaker of the House Representative Michael Madigan stepping down and Representative Emanual Chris...

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Update to Illinois Condominium Property Act: Residency Requirements for Board Members

Access for Process Servers into Community Associations

Community association managers and boards often ask whether they are required to allow a process server access into a building or gated community. Specifically, they want to know, “What do our door staff or security guards do when process servers request unannounced...

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Update to Illinois Condominium Property Act: Residency Requirements for Board Members

COVID-19: Employee Vaccination Mandates and Incentives

As the COVID-19 vaccination rollout continues, community association boards ask whether they can require association employees to be vaccinated. Other boards, unwilling to go as far as mandating vaccinations, are asking if they can offer employee incentives to get the...

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